
August 25, 2020

Streamline your Business Relationship with your Customers with Clover CRM

Do you know 9 out of 10 businesses fail during their initial stages because of poor interaction with their customers? Now, if we drop down to our discussion on what are root causes of poor customer interactions, then, it’s primarily due to poor understanding of what do customers actually expects from the organizations, what are …

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August 5, 2020

Strengthen your relationship with the customers with Clover CRM

Whether it’s about identifying potential customers, treating existing customers, managing inventories, processing quotations, or setting up a reminder for an important task, one cannot do that all without an efficient CRM software. Taking this discussion further, here we will be talking about one of the leading CRM software brand, Clover CRM. Why choose Clover CRM? …

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August 4, 2020

Why CRM is Essential for Today’s Business?

Generally, we keep working over achieving the production target and building a business team, but, in the meantime, we have no idea how many customers have we lost. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system keeps a track of the total number of customers that one is having, customer retention rate, and newly added customers. Taking …

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